Human Development Across the Lifespan: Reflection 

I chose to include the written and creative portions of my Individual Project and my Social Clock essay for my signature assignments. These three pieces reflect the complete integration and application of the lifespan development concepts, and how they relate to my own life and my understanding of myself. As a social work and political science major, I am often caught up in my quest to help individuals in need, understand society, and change the world-- all the while forgetting the importance of self-care and self-understanding. My own developmental history defines who I am today, my political perspectives, and my theoretical orientation in social work practice. The combined written and art project was a fascinating (and therapeutic) journey through my life, giving voice to my story, my obstacles and my victories. I have written memoir-type essays before, but the developmental perspective gave a different, and very interesting angle.  I particularly enjoyed the simple, yet profound, art piece that is featured second to last in the PowerPoint presentation. It contains just three images: a young girl, a young adult woman (looking professional), and a woman in a wheelchair. In between these three silhouettes I drew swirling and connecting lines and then created a collage of text-art with simple descriptive words which describe how I view myself and my life, past, present, and future. It may not look like much to the outside eye, but it was a cathartic and powerful artistic experience which made me take a good, hard, look at myself and challenge many internal assumptions and self-judgments. 
The Social Clock essay had a similar effect on me. My life has not followed the schedule which I’d planned for myself, and addressing that in writing caused me to challenge my own preconceived notions about where one “should” be in their life at certain stages. That exercise in particular helped me develop a bit more self-kindness, which will translate to my future career and to future social work clients who may be facing similar obstacles and delays in their own social clocks.

This course has led to a surprising increase in confidence and understanding concerning my future career. This semester I also took a course in political ideology and group therapy across the lifespan, and those three classes intertwined perfectly to provide a multi-dimensional and comprehensive perspective on my future client base. I was able to apply the psychological, biological, social, and cultural developmental stages studied in this FHS class to the exercises in the group therapy course as we walked through sample groups for different age groups. I was also able to apply psycho-social principles to my study of political ideology, which fostered greater understanding of the intrinsic motivation behind political movements and individual sets of values and principles. 

individual project, creative Stacy Davis.pptx individual project, creative Stacy Davis.pptx
Size : 2375.898 Kb
Type : pptx
FHS assign Social Clock Stacy Davis.docx FHS assign Social Clock Stacy Davis.docx
Size : 14.532 Kb
Type : docx
fhs individual project Stacy Davis.docx fhs individual project Stacy Davis.docx
Size : 28.621 Kb
Type : docx
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